Spiritual Coaching- Develop a connection to your higher self


Find Inner Happiness,Peace and Harmony


Private 1:1 weekly sessions of 4 weeks are offered with this services.

For some clients, there is the desire to go deeper. Beyond focusing on tangible goals, some people want to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and develop a greater connection to a higher power. With our Spiritual coaching, it involve a spiritual element to the traditional coaching relationship. We will guide you to find inner happiness, peace and harmony while supporting you on your journey to finding your own sense of wholeness.

As a spiritual coach, we will guide you to find inner happiness, peace and harmony while supporting you on your journey to finding your sense of wholeness. We will involve different spiritual elements with traditional coaching to reach your goal.

In this private session we help you connect to your inner sources of vibration and life energy force. During your session we will help shift your physical, emotional and mental dysfunction back to health and well-being. In this session we will focus on you charka and energy field (aura) to read your vibrations level. We will address blockages and open the natural channels so your mind, body and spirit are functioning together optimally.

Your 1st spiritual session itself is about an 1.5 hr, with 15 minutes at the beginning to review health history, answer questions, and set intentions, and 15 minutes at the end to discuss the experience.