FAQs (Spiritual Classes) - Pole Dance, Aerial Fitness, Spiritual - LIfeOfAPoleTrick Chicago


Spiritual Questions


Look no further, the answers to all the questions you many have about our services can be found right here! Still have questions? Please contact us.

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What is reiki?

Reiki is a Universal Energy Life Force. A relaxation technique that balances the body, reduces stress and helps in the healing process. During a session a practitioner shares reiki directly through gentle human touch. Think of it as “a massage for your soul.(tm)”

What to expect from a session?

Before your session begins, you can discuss any of your thoughts or concerns. You can also choose to talk or ask questions during your session or relax and remain silent, meditate, or nap. The provider will work on your energy in silence. At the end, you and your provider can check in about anything that came up for you during the session.

What to expect after the healing?

Everyone experiences differ. You may go through a spiritual or energy detoxing. After an energy healing session, some clients might cry, laugh, or feel great peace for no “apparent” reason. Others can get really tired or even wired. Some can get a cold; others might feel better than they have in years! And then there are some who may not experience anything at all. Please allow the healing to take affect which you may experience for 1-3 days. Nothing to worry about. This is your energy getting rid of all that serves no purpose to you. Please make sure to drink lots of water!

Do I have to be religious or spiritual to do a session?

No! You do not need to be spiritual to benefit from energy healing. We recommended to go in with an open mind for maximum benefits. We do not push or have any affiliation with any religious groups, and/or churches. Our sessions no way reference or promote any religion or belief. However, we do believe in a higher power.

Does distant healing work?

Distance Healing offers the same benefits as in-person healing sessions, and you can receive the session while at home, from anywhere in the world.

Do you do house calls or events?

Yes! Depending on location of the area, we can do visit. So additional fees may apply.