Animal Energy Healing Service in Chicago LifeOfAPoleTrick

Energy Healing for Your Animal

Energy Healing for Your Animal

Animal Energy Healing in Chicago


Animal Reiki Healing | Meditation with Your Animal | | Animal Communication**

These specialty services are also provided as workshops or private (1:1, semi, group) sessions. Can’t decide which to chose from? Ask us and we can customize the session for you.


animal healing in Chicago


Description: We understand that not only you need to heal but your furry family does too.

We are the 1st and only studio to offer this type of class.


The animal Reiki can assists animals to heal on the physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual levels. It can help with anxiety, supporting healing for surgery or trauma, relieving pain, promoting overall health wellness and much more.

For new comers… animals may prefer to receive Reiki from a distance … rather than have the practitioner touch them. If this is their first time in-person, we start by sitting on the floor with the animal in the room and invite them to share in the Reiki session if the animals so desires. Animals can take as much or as little Reiki as they wish.

Durning session your animal may move away and we can continue with distant healing as long as your animal is comfortable.



Meditation with Your Animal

This practice creates some new opportunities to spend quality time with your animal  while also working on yourself, which is a win-win. While your beloved animal gets the attention he/she wants, you get a moment to relax and refresh. We will walk you through all those steps so you and your pet can start to balance each others energy.



Hear Your Pet… Heal Your Pet. Mary, the animal whisper, works with the energetic language of your pets to communicate what they are wishing to share. The process is fun, joyful, and fulfilling. Mary will communicate with your pet for messages and as a bonus send reiki healing to your pet so they too can clear and balance their energy system.



Animal Healing Testimonials

  • ziggy
    Dora S
    Chicago, IL
  • Robin H
    Robin H
  • "Sonia is amazing! Miss Ziggy (my cat) loves her so much. Miss Ziggy and I participated in Sonia's Animal Meditation sessions. And sometimes we even brought my husband in! Miss Ziggy comes near me, and lays down, calmly, each time it is Animal Meditation with Sonia time! And she stays there for the entire session (which is very surprising for a cat). Since we did the Animal Meditation, Miss Ziggy and I feel much more connected. Sonia brings us to synchronize our breathing and feel "like one" when we meditate. Miss Ziggy adores the meditation time that sometimes I create, after all the amazing learnings we received from Sonia. Sonia has such a special energy and all pets love her so much! This is a blessing for Miss Ziggy and a way to connect together. Really recommended! Thank you Sonia!"
  • "I had had Oreo since she was a kitten (she was given to me as a gift), but I had struggled to feel connected to her. I wasn’t sure what to expect but Sonia was very informative and caring in her guidance. Oreo and I did a couple of meditation sessions and each one made me feel closer and more healed in my relationship with Oreo. With the sessions, she grew to understand me, and I her. I’m grateful for these sessions because they turned my relationship with Oreo into a deeply spiritual one. She truly became my familiar."

Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for psychological, veterinarian, or medical care. The information that is provided during your appointment/session is to be used by you for education, spiritual, and/or religious purposes only. We are not, nor claim to be, veterinarians or health care providers, and cannot diagnose or prescribe treatments for your animal. We can, however, relay symptoms and information from your pets and animal that may be useful for your vet and treating providers


We do not push or have any affiliation with any religious groups, and/or churches. Our sessions no way reference or promote any religion or belief. However, we do believe in a higher power. You are in no way forced to believe, repeat or take part in any sessions  & are free to leave the studio at any time.