Get to Know Us - 360 Fitness Studio for Body, Mind, Spirit👍

About Our Tribe

About Our Tribe

If you’ve been curious about aerial, pole, and dance fitness, then you are in the right place. The supportive staff at Life of a Pole Trick studio will help you meet your fitness goals in an atmosphere that’s both informal and innovative. If you’re ready to take the next step, our qualified instructors are here to help you let go of your inhibitions and unleash your inner muse.

But there’s something that you need to know first. Most of our members find that their journey into the world of pole and aerial fitness is only the start of something that goes much deeper than they ever imagined. It can be a truly transformative experience, and it’s certainly changed my life. I know it has for many of my clients, as well, and I know it has the potential to do that for you, too.



Hi, I’m Sonia, founder of Life of a Pole Trick studio, and my background hasn’t always been centered around the pole dancing lifestyle. You see, I used to work fourteen-hour days in IT tech support until my doctor informed me that I had to find a way to alleviate my stress or suffer the consequences. So I tried pole dancing as a way to relieve anxiety and I immediately loved how it brought my body and mind into balance.

For me, it felt like poetry in motion. Before I knew it, I started teaching classes out of my home in 2014, but that was just the beginning. In 2016 I won first place in the FabPole competition. I felt so empowered by that accomplishment that in 2018 I opened Life of a Pole Trick studio to share my expertise with other kindred spirits. I even became the first instructor in Chicago to teach the FabPole that has since become popular.

When the pandemic hit our shores in 2020, I decided it was time to pivot into whole-body wellness, and ever since then I have been on a mission to change the way fitness studios are experienced.



The wear and tear of the daily grind can take its toll. It affects not just your body, but every facet of your being. That’s why with our 360 Fitness, we are committed to supporting our clients through the process of healing the whole body, both inside and out. That’s because we believe that your body, mind, and spirit need to be balanced in order to achieve holistic well-being in all areas of your life. The Life of a Pole Trick studio now encompasses every aspect of total body wellness, both on and off the pole. We now offer classes in yoga, meditation, EFT tapping, Reiki, as well as energy and sound healing. Not only do you have a place where you can find some peace and balance, but your kids can, too. Your children can experience the benefits of self-care at an early age by exploring aerial, yoga, meditation, and EFT tapping with instructors who understand their needs.



My highly trained team and I can meet all of your aerial and pole needs whether you are looking to feel confident on your own pole at home or you are seeking expert status. We will teach you every tip and trick to get you performing at the level you desire, much quicker and with more efficiency than your typical pole studio.

But we are so much more than that. We have now integrated classes to help you achieve mastery over your mind and spirit, as well. Think of our classes as a spa service for your soul , a place where you can unwind and feel the stress of the day dissolve as you quiet the chatter in your head, stretch past the limitations of your body, and expand into places that feel rejuvenating and life-affirming.

No matter your age, your gender, or whether or not you have any prior experience, you have a safe place to find yourself again. With our 360 fitness, we are here to heal the whole you. If you’re ready to cross the threshold and mingle with like-minded souls, then welcome to the tribe!


Life of a Pole Trick™ (LOAPT) is a minority women owned small business in Chicago River North area.
#SupportSmallBusiness #SupportWomenOwn

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