Self Love Healing πŸ’œ - Start Your Healing Journey Today!

Spiritual Self-Love Healing

Profound Journey of Self-discovery and Inner Exploration

Spiritual Self-Love Healing

Embark on a transformative journey of spiritual self-love healing with us. Whether you’re struggling with feelings of inadequacy or seeking to enhance your self-confidence, we’re here to guide you. Our holistic approach addresses a range of challenges, from cultivating abundance and attracting true love to breaking free from destructive habits and patterns. Through gentle exploration and nurturing support, we help you uncover your untapped potential and navigate the path towards healing from past traumas. Through our practice, we delve into the depths of your being, confronting both the light and shadow aspects of your existence with courage and compassion to bring forth what is stopping you in life. Take the first step towards a more fulfilling life today!


  • Lack of self worth or self confidence
  • Working on abundance
  • Working on finding your true love
  • Kicking the habit
  • Breaking patterns
  • Uncover your potential
  • Healing trauma
  • Helps sever unhelpful emotional ties from spiritual cords
    or contracts (We do offer Cutting Spiritual Cords


1. Emotional Healing – (releasing emotional blocks to self-love, self confidence and self worth)
2. Color Healing – (empowering your self confidence by boosting your chakra)
3. Heart Chakra Healing – (Going through your stages of life and healing your heart Chakra)
4. Time Machine Healing – (Going into your current or past life to heal your self-love)
5. Aura Cleaning – (Removing negative energy and restoring balance to the energy field surrounding you. Helping you be more centered.”
6. Chakra Balancing – (focused on aligning and harmonizing the body’s energy centers to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Help your energy flow better for every day situations.)


The end result of engaging in spiritual self-love healing is a profound transformation of the self. Individuals emerge from this journey with a renewed sense of purpose, inner peace, and authenticity. They embody a deeper understanding of love and compassion, both for themselves and for others, and they navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience. By nurturing their spiritual well-being, they create a foundation of harmony and wholeness that radiates outward, enriching every aspect of their lives.


1. Contact us with the following

– Dates/times for your Zoom consultation
– Dates/times for that work for your session plan
– What issues you are having or would like to address

2. We will discuss with you all your concerns and next steps.

3. Once we have confirmed your schedule and you make your payment, you will receive an email with how to prepare for the session(s). You will be asked to sign a disclaimer form and set up a client profile in our registration system.


How long does it typically take to see results from engaging in your spiritual self-love healing practices?

The timeline for experiencing results from engaging in our spiritual self-love healing practices varies for each individual. While some may notice significant shifts relatively quickly, for others, the process may take more time. Depending on the depth of past experiences and emotional wounds, the healing journey unfolds uniquely for each person. We approach healing with the understanding that it’s not about quickly peeling off a bandage, but rather about facilitating a gentle and holistic emotional release, allowing for profound transformation and growth over time.

What kind of support or guidance do you offer throughout the spiritual self-love healing journey?

For those who purchase the complete spiritual self-love healing plan, we offer comprehensive support and guidance throughout their journey. This includes personalized assistance, regular check-ins, and access to additional resources tailored to their needs.

For individuals opting for one-off sessions, we provide initial guidance to support their immediate concerns. However, for more in-depth conversations or ongoing support beyond the single session, we offer discounted rates for extended consultations. Our goal is to ensure that everyone receives the level of support they need to facilitate their healing process effectively.

Do you provide Distance Healing?

Yes, we do. We schedule a time and day with you to go through each steps with you.


Spiritual Self-Love Reviews
  • cierra d
    Cierra D
  • "The energy healing has transformed my day to day life and helped with my feminine energy journey. I am learning to get out of my head and into my body and experience the present moment more I have also experienced more high value, men complementing, and approaching me in my day-to-day life. I am currently building a social media brand, and after an aura cleaning with Sonia, one of my videos went viral with 90,000 views, and I noticed significant online growth in my following. The energy healings have helped me in tremendous waves with making great strides by just helping shift the energy I am embodying."

Spiritual Self-Love Healing

Services and Pricing

Individual Self-Love Sessions

  • Emotional Healing
  • Color Healing
  • Heart Chakra Healing
  • Time Machine Healing

Self-Love 4-week Series

  • Certain services may be included during our sessions:
  • Emotional Healing
  • Color Healing
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Heart Chakra Healing
  • Aura Cleansing
  • Time Machine Healing
  • Personalized assistance and regular check-ins
  • Access to additional resources

*Prices are subject to change. Prices listed are starting based pricing.

Disclaimer: We do not push or have any affiliation with any religious groups, and/or churches. Our sessions no way reference or promote any religion or belief. However, we do believe in a higher power. You are in no way forced to believe, repeat or take part in any sessions. You are encouraged to embrace and express your unique beliefs, as we wholeheartedly support the diversity of perspectives and values within our community.

Our healing service is intended to complement, not substitute for, medical care. Our practitioners do not diagnose conditions, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment provided by a licensed medical professional, including mental health professionals for mental illness concerns.