Planning Your Choreograph Dance Routine - Let Us Help You


Let Us Help You with Your Choreograph


Help with Choreograph Dance Routine

Creating a dance routine can be a fun way to show the skills you have worked so hard on. Whether it’s for an event or competition, you’ll need to spend a lot of time learning and practicing to form a good routine. Dancing is an art and expression is a great way to create your choreography. However, technique is the basis of all fundamentals of dance, from holding your body correctly while performing, to executing skills properly in a routine. Life Of A Pole Trick can help you with your technique and choreography while still helping you express your art through your routine. Need help on coming up with choreography? No worries. We work with you to Learn some basic moves, build on the moves you already know and spend time working on a choreograph routine that will make you feel great about.

If you are interested in learning more or booking your #PoleRoutine instructor help, please contact us to find out more.

Student Choreograph Routines