Support Our Business - LifeOfAPoleTrick minority women-owned

Support Our Business

Support Our Business

You can donate by clicking on PayPal button or go to Venmo a send us your Love Donation.





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Your Gift Makes Our Business Possible

LifeOfAPoleTrick Studio is a Chicago based small minority women-owned business. Our studio focuses not only on building strong, healthy individuals, but also in building friendships, self confidence and empowering lives. We have such a huge and varied demographic of students that attend our classes and we hope to continue on our mission to inspire them and keep our dreams alive.

We need your help in spreading the word about our business. If you are unable to support by taking online class, please consider a Love Donation. No amount is too small!

We are very thankful for your support! Every donation will be spent to keep our studio running and to make sure that we’ll be able to get back to business. Your help truly matters! No matter how small it would be so greatly appreciated!

We appreciate your support!
~Sonia and LifeOfPoleTrick Team